February Frets (aka random thoughts) Feb 3:

I am not feeling funny today although Romania did call again this morning. I still didn’t answer. But if Romania calls a third time — well, I’m going to say hello out of curiosity. Inquiring minds want to know why Romania is calling me!

Covid slammed me last night with a temperature of 102 and hard chills despite a negative test an hour earlier. It’s sneaky like that. This morning the test is positive, however - not even a faint positive. My doctor has prescribed a low dose of Paxlovid for me (as a diabetic I have mild kidney disfucntion so the lower dose is advised) and I already feel — well, I am not having hard chills and I can sit up in a chair

Oh this is a little bit funny — in the middle of the night I heard a loud thump. It could have been Ernie falling in the bathroom, or a burglar, or even a mountain lion I decided jumping from our roof to the deck. (Yes, I may have been mildly delirious.) I felt so bad though that I didn’t bother to stir and investigate. I figured Ernie’s Apple Watch would call 911 if it were him, and I couldn’t fend off a burglar or a mountain lion anyway. (This morning we can’t figure out what the thump was.)

Ernie was much better yesterday but seems wrung out again today - his fourth day. I do think, however, that he and I both have “mild” cases since we are both vaccinated to the limit including having had the bivalent booster early last fall. That said, I would not want to have an “un-mild” case. I continue to urge all of you to stay up to date on the Covid vaccine and boosters. I read this in the Lexington Herald a few minutes ago from Vincent Venditto, Ph.D. and assistant professor at the University of Kentucky’s Pharmaceutical Sciences Department:

“I don’t know how you convince people that these vaccines are really protective. They prevent hospitalization, they prevent death and they are designed to keep us safe and healthy,” Venditto said. “If that is not enough to influence somebody to get the vaccine, I really don’t know what is.”

As for me - I am on board with anything that will prevent death! ( In the same article Vinditto noted that 3000 Americans a week are still dying of Covid.)


FEBRUARY FRETS (aka random thoughts) Feb. 2: